Icefox hunting clothing - hunting grounds work

Precinct work in spring

In 7 out of 16 federal states it is already allowed to hunt roe bucks and narrow roe deer in April, but for most hunters in Germany April probably means the final spurt in terms of hunting ground work. From 1 May onwards, everything should be in order, and those who notice that ladder rungs are loose, shooting lanes are overgrown and stalking paths are overgrown will realise that hunting ground work is also a form of hunting disturbance, which is punished by the game with absence.


Whereas in traditionally managed hunting grounds such unpopular tasks were usually left to the young hunter (who had to work hard to get his buck shot), today the tasks are usually distributed fairly. Ideally, the owner of the hunting ground or the game warden invites the hunting community in good time to the collective work. Many hands make for a quick end, and after the drudgery is done, hunting gossip can be exchanged and conviviality can be enjoyed over grilled sausages and the accompanying after-work drink. After all, work can also be fun.


We would like to go into the most common turf work here:


Maintenance of hunting equipment

Anyone who has ever sat on a closed ladder in the rain and had water dripping into their lap through a hole in the dilapidated roof will know how important it is to repair the seating equipment in good time. Loose ladder rungs, rotten floor boards or rotten support struts are annoying on the one hand, but on the other hand also a risk of injury that should not be underestimated. Last but not least, the accident prevention regulations for hunting require that high seats be inspected before each use, but at least once a year. In addition to "professional manufacture", particular attention must be paid to the fact that nailed-on rungs are only permitted on ladders standing at an angle. They must be firmly connected to the ladder uprights and supported downwards on them.

Stalking path 

Stalking trails

If you can get to your seat quietly and unnoticed, you may be able to get a shot while approaching. A basic prerequisite for this are well-maintained stalking paths, free of undergrowth and rustling leaves. At first sight, this is of course mainly a task for the forest hunter, but also in the field it can be advisable to keep the way to the seat, which leads between hedges or through a high meadow, clear. Modern hunters have modern tools and so it has become a popular procedure in recent years to make stalking paths in the forest rustle-free by means of motor-driven leaf blowers. Certainly, the game is not more disturbed by this noise than by the usual chainsaw noise, but we hunters should always be aware of our image on the non-hunting public. Since leaf blowers have already led to one or two heated neighbourhood disputes in residential areas, not everyone likes to see a hunter in the undergrowth, swinging a loudly booming device. Modern leaf rakes are extremely effective and should be considered as a completely emission-free alternative. At least in heavily frequented areas and sensitive public spaces.

 Salt lick

Salt licks

Now in spring, the game has an increased need for minerals. Hair change, gestation period, antler growth, but also the re-establishment of territoriality and the associated territorial disputes provide the reasons for this. Whether it is stock or classic salt lick, white or red cattle salt, blocks from the specialised trade or natural salt stones, from hare to deer, actually all species of the hunting right gladly take advantage of this gift. Shooting directly at the salt lick remains debatable, both ethically and from a practical hunting point of view. Those who overdo it will soon notice that even attractive places will be avoided in the future. It is therefore better to hunt the game at the points where the salt licks are located.

Spring hunting - Visitor guidance 

Signs to guide visitors

According to the Nature Conservation Act, everyone in Germany has the right to walk freely in nature for recreational purposes. Unfortunately, wildlife habitats are disturbed out of ignorance, indifference, but all too often also simply out of ignorance. Hunters should not react to this with outbursts of rage and threats of punishment, but with education. Signs that guide, inform and sensitise visitors are an important element in this. Appropriate templates in an appealing style can be purchased in the trade, which point out the most necessary commandments. Prohibition signs and unsightly boards should be avoided. Weathered signs should also be repaired and cleaned from time to time. In any case, the erection of signs should be discussed with the landowners, and perhaps a joint campaign can be organised, possibly even with the local press. In this way we can contribute to environmental education and to the positive image of hunting in one fell swoop.


This is only a brief excerpt, the list of hunting ground activities could be continued for a while: Creating game fields or grazing areas, collecting rubbish and litter, building pheasant huts, setting up partridge feeders - anyone who manages a hunting ground knows how much effort is needed for a successful hunting day. It becomes clear once again that hunting is more than just shooting.

Text: Johannes Maidhof

Pictures: Lena Rausch @jagdrausch

April 06, 2022 — Icefox Community